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UK gov carbon targets 'too weak' to prevent dangerous climate change

"Official advice being used to set Britain's first carbon budget is "naïvely optimistic" and will not stop dangerous climate change, experts from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research say"

Category: Climate Change


What message, and whose, from Copenhagen?

"Last week's climate science conference in Copenhagen concluded with a declaration saying that the most serious warnings on climate change were coming true, and calling for immediate "action". But, argues Mike Hulme in the Green...

Category: Climate Change


Closing in on the Higgs particle

"While major repairs continue at Europe's broken particle collider in Switzerland, scientists at Fermilab near Chicago are cornering the elusive God particle"

Category: Big Science


Netherlands learns to go with the flow

"The Netherlands throughout its history has had an ongoing struggle with the sea." And now it is preparing for future flooding cause by climate change

Category: Climate Change


Biochar: Is the hype justified?

"Green guru James Lovelock claims that the only hope of mitigating catastrophic climate change is through biochar - biomass "cooked" by pyrolysis." Biochar has the potential to help solve several ecological problems at once -...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1376 to 1380 out of 2977